I’m a researcher Université catholique de Louvain working on hexahedral mesh generation within the Hextreme group. Most of my work revolves around using combinatorial techniques to look for the smallest hex-mesh with a specific boundary, or to find geometric realizations with specific mesh topologies.
Advisor: Jean-François Remacle
- Finding Hexahedrizations for Small Quadrangulations of the Sphere (SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles)
- Combinatorial Problems that Make Hex-Meshing Hard (June 2019, Louvain-la-neuve)
- A 44-element mesh of Schneiders' Pyramid (IMR 2018, Albuquerque)
Combinatorial Techniques for Hexahedral Mesh Generation
Kilian Verhetsel
PhD Thesis (2024)
Robust Topological Construction of All-Hexahedral Boundary Layer Meshes
Maxence Reberol, Kilian Verhetsel, François Henrotte, David Bommes, Jean-François Remacle
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2023
Reviving the Search for Optimal Tetrahedralizations
Célestin Marot, Kilian Verhetsel, Jean-François Remacle
28th International Meshing Roundtable (2019)
Finding Hexahedrizations for Small Quadrangulations of the Sphere
Kilian Verhetsel, Jeanne Pellerin, Jean-François Remacle
There are 174 subdivisions of the
hexahedron into tetrahedraJeanne Pellerin, Kilian Verhetsel, Jean-François Remacle
SIGGRAPH Asia (2018)
A 44-Element Mesh of Schneiders' Pyramid:
Bounding the Difficulty of Hex-Meshing ProblemsKilian Verhetsel, Jeanne Pellerin, Jean-François Remacle
27th International Meshing Roundtable
(2018, Best Technical Paper Award) -
Identifying combinations of tetrahedra
into hexahedra: A vertex based strategyJeanne Pellerin, Amaury Johnen, Kilian Verhetsel, Jean-François Remacle
Computer-Aided Design (2018)
Wherein you attempt to transform a quadrangulation into a cube. An activity variously described as non-difficult and amusing, although computer may be somewhat better than humans at it.